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  Mixed Reality Visualization
With the Microsoft HoloLens

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The "Microsoft HoloLens" Is quite an amazing device...
If you have not heard of the Microsoft HoloLens...
Check out this link to the Official Microsoft page.

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Credit for the original simulation for Holo CFD...
Goes to Mr. Marco Losurdo, Senior Simulation Engineer...
Of, Duisburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany...
TerraSame assisted Marco...
And, brought his work to the HoloLens...
You can find Marco's LinkedIn Profile below...

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"Holo CFD"
Computational Fluid Dynamics for HoloLens.
Available on the Windows App Store

Holo CFD Link


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This was a very enjoyable project and...

Marco was a joy to work with...
It is rare to find an engineer who pushes the AR boundries...
He has created and is still creating new concepts...
And new ways to use conventional simulation tools...
along with augmented reality...
Thanks Marco!


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Holo GIS was created to show...
HoloLens use case for the Oil & Gas

Holo GIS Link

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Here we have an On Shore Drilling Rig...
Presently available...
On the Windows App store.


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Here we have an Off Shore Drilling Rig... Presently available...
On the Windows App store.

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"Holo AEC",was created to honor the great Architects of the past..
To honor Mr. Frank Lloyd Wright...
Here we have the famous "Falling Water"


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To honor Mr. Frank Lloyd Wright...

we have the "Robie House"

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John Lautner's creations are amazing...